VIP DAY 1:1 w/Judith

  Ignite Your Potential:  Accelerate Your Breakthroughs


You and I are having an in-person (or virtual) day-long, 1:1 VIP Day, where we are working on and creating breakthrough solutions for 2-3 of your most important challenges. 

We are addressing those issues you’ve struggled in the past to resolve and have not yet gotten through or past them.  Resolving them would change your life. 


  • Seek to accelerate your personal growth and create profound change in your life 

  • Feel unfulfilled and trapped in your current routine in spite of having a stable job and make good money 

  • Experience frustration that your life, career, or relationships are not progressing as fast or in the direction you desire

  • Feel that something is missing in your life, but you can’t identify what it is

  • Realize you’ve been neglecting yourself, your personal growth and well being

  • Struggle with imposter syndrome- You doubt your abilities and/or fear you’re not good enough

  • Lack the confidence to pursue your dreams and goals and move your life in the direction you want

  • Lack clarity about your vision and purpose

  • Have unresolved emotional issues from the past or present 

  • Desire to break through self-limiting beliefs and transform your relationship with fear

  • Experience scarcity and struggle with your ability to create abundance



This immersive experience is designed to support you to:

  • Accelerate your breakthroughs- Catalyze profound transformations in a short period of time. 

  • Go deep and identify the core issues that have held you back. 

  • Gain new insights, perspectives and discover strategies for how to disrupt old patterns and design new ones that empower you to move forwards.

  • Create a fresh and compelling narrative for your life that aligns with your true potential.  

  • Gain the tools and guidance necessary to gain crystal-clear clarity about your vision and purpose and how to manifest them.

  • Let go of the past - this experience will support you to release the past and free you up to create the life you desire in the present. 

  • Release and transform your relationship with fear and lack.



  • An intention setting call:  within 1 week of your scheduled VIP day

  • A VIP experience - A full day (6 hours) of full time 1:1 focusing on:

    - Your issues, goals and intentions, dedicated to creating solutions and accelerating the process of achieving your desired outcomes 

  • Private Coaching follow up with Judith - The VIP experience includes:

    - Six 1 hour private coaching sessions over a three month period of time (a $3K value) 


If you are ready to say “YES” to your highest intentions, goals and dreams, then let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work!  I will partner with you to create the breakthroughs you desire. 

Fill out the registration form below and let’s get on a Zoom call explore how you can make this happen.  

You are just ONE “YES” AWAY from beginning the journey!  LET’S DO THIS!!!!